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Phishing Simulator
Damien Cantelo avatar
Written by Damien Cantelo
Updated over 7 months ago


The Phishing Simulator allows you to create and run simulated phishing campaigns to test and educate your staff to recognise and avoid phishing attacks. Regular simulations bolster awareness, reduce successful attacks and protect sensitive data.

Start a Phishing Campaign

  1. Select Phishing from the main menu.

  2. Click on the Start Phishing Campaign button in the top-right corner.

  3. There is a drop-down menu asking you to select which template to use. Select the most appropriate template based on the systems you use in your business to make them relevant for your staff. Click Next.

  4. Select from the list of members you would like to include in the phishing campaign.

  5. Select Start Campaign and the phishing campaign will commence. The test email will slowly be sent out to users.

Campaign results

Once a campaign has been rolled out, you're able to see the results from the main page of the phishing feature, as well as previous campaigns.

  1. Select the campaign you wish to see the results for. The page will show a sample of the email and landing page along with a graph of the campaign results and the status of each member below.

  2. The Status can be one of the following:

    1. Email Sent - The email was sent but no action was taken. This user passed the test

    2. Email Opened - The user opened the email. Still considered a pass

    3. Clicked Link - The user clicked on the link. This is a fail and may have led to the device being compromised

    4. Submitted Data - This is a major fail as the user entered their login detail to a 3rd party site and would almost certainly have led to a security incident

  3. If a member fails the phishing test by either clicking on the link or submitting data, they will be shown the below page and be required to do some phishing training to learn how to spot a suspicious email. No action is required for those who pass the phishing simulation.

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